New Mexico
3 galleries
New Mexico is the land of enchantment for so many reasons. The diverse terrain provides a variety of wildlife habitat. Here is a collection of imagery from Maresa Pryor-Luzier taken throughout the state. Images available for print, licensing, or presentation.
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39 imagesA portfolio of New Mexico from photographer Maresa Pryor-Luzier of landscapes and wildlife throughout the state of New Mexico. Her decades of experience in the field show in her work and dedication to sharing the world of nature.
30 imagesBernardo Waterfowl Management Area has become the best place to see large numbers of Sandhill Cranes in the state of New Mexico in winter months. Here is a collection of images from this up and coming birding spot.
38 imagesFounded in 1939, Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge is a bucket list trip for Sandhill Cranes and other wildlife in the late fall to early winter. Maresa's photographs show the beauty of this great place in New Mexico. She offers each year through the North American Nature Photographers Association photo tours of the area, and through the Festival of the Cranes. Prints available on Fine Art America. For more information on BDA: